Tulum Beach, Riviera Maya

Archive for May, 2012

Las 10 Mejores Playas del Mundo, Tulum incluida Según Lugares de Viaje Punto Com

Las 10 mejores playas del mundo

Publicado en Lugares de Viaje

Son el paraíso para quienes no conciben otras vacaciones que no sean junto al mar y pisando arena, destinos donde se multiplican palmeras lánguidas y el sol es una constante

Phang Na (Tailandia)

Un laberinto rocoso se adentra en las aguas del mar de Andaman, al sur del país. Las crestas montañosas emergen en las aguas, tapizadas de verde. El área sobre la bahía es el Ao Phangnga National Park y desde Phuket parten a diario cruceros para recorrer la zona, ideal para el submarinismo.

Muchas de las islas están deshabitadas e invitan a vivir una experiencia a lo Robinson Crussoe en esta suerte de manglar marítimo. Una de ellas fue escenario de la película El hombre de la pistola de oro, de la saga de James Bond que, por supuesto, lleva el nombre del famoso agente secreto inglés.

Whitehaven Beach (Australia)

En el corazón de la barrera de coral esta playa es, según los mismos australianos, el mejor sitio del archipiélago de las Whitsundays Island. Uno puede quedarse allí toda la vida o bien sumarse a la experiencia que ofrecen los barcos y los ferries de lujo que llegan a diario a pasar aquí el día.

Seis kilómetros de arena tan blanca que enceguece bordean un mar de aguas profundamente turquesas. En el extremo norte, la costa se adentra formando una increíble bahía conocida como Hill Inlet.

Aventurarse a un rafting en el océano o sumarse al sea kayaking son propuestas para los que buscan combinar momentos románticos con acción que tenga su pizca de (infaltable) adrenalina.

Mauritius (África Oriental)

Holandeses, franceses e ingleses se apropiaron deesta isla verde y escarpada, y desde 1968 es una república independiente. La habitan hindúes (67%), criollos, chinos, musulmanes y europeos cristianos y protestantes. Además de caña de azúcar, aquí cultivan Ylang Ylang para obtener una exquisita, aromática esencia.

Mauritius queda al este de Madagascar, rodeada de arrecifes que encierran aguas turquesas y calmas, como las del norte, en Pereybere, y las de Belle Mare, donde se instalaron los resorts más refinados. Las de Blue Bay, Roches Noires, Grand Bay, Le Morne, Flic en Flac… se añaden hasta completar un circuito de 330 km.

Anguilla (Antillas Menores)

Convertida en un destino de lujo, esta pequeña isla de pasado británico hoy es dominio de villas residenciales y unos pocos resorts del más alto nivel; instalarse en ellos es la única manera de acercarse a este excluyente refugio caribeño.

Son 33 las playas (la de Bahía Rendezvous es una de las mejores) que aparecen sobre la costa de arena pálida, apenas lamida por un mar translúcido de tonos preciosos.

En Valley, la capital, el desorganizado caserío le resta encanto a los pocos vestigios coloniales que aún perduran; el toque pintoresco lo ponen las cabras sueltas por las callecitas con que el viajero suele toparse. En los bares suena el reggae.

El Nido (Filipinas)

Hacia el Oeste, una sucesión infinita de islas desaparece en el Mar de la China: es el archipiélago de Palawan. El lugar donde, entreverado con esos pequeños retazos de piedra caliza que emergen entre las olas con playas de arena blanca hecha de polvo de algas, se guarda El Nido.

El mar es de aguas transparentes y deja ver las formaciones de coral de diferentes tonos, peces multicolores y un jardín de plantas acuáticas. Hacia el interior, la geografía abunda en ríos subterráneos, cuevas y una verdísima selva tropical.

Aquí, los pescadores usan telares de bambú para materializar el nipiz, una delicada tela hecha con el hilo de la bromelia anasasa o el tallo del plátano.

Los Roques (Venezuela)

Mirar el mapa cada mañana y elegir uno de los tantos cayos y atolones donde gastar las horas a solas con el mar y el sol es lo que hacen quienes visitan este parque nacional a 30 minutos de vuelo de Caracas.

Son más de 300 islas coralinas y sólo cuatro están habitadas. Gran Roque, la capital, concentra todos los servicios. Desde allí se sale en lancha hacia el islote elegido, donde se es “abandonado” con sombrilla y heladera y vuelto a recoger a una hora convenida. La otra forma de recorrer el archipiélago es en barco, un placer mayúsculo que no cuesta más caro que el de vivir en Gran Roque.

Playa de las estrellas (Panamá)

Nadar bajo el sol tiene un encanto especial. Se trata de un hábitat de aguas poco profundas y oleaje sereno, y en el fondo se aprecian enormes estrellas de mar rojas, amarillas y anaranjadas. Estos particulares seres marinos, que aquí se cuentan por decenas, son el verdadero motivo de atracción de los visitantes que se aplican a descubrirlas con sólo mirar a través de las aguas verde-azules del mar que rodea la isla Colón, una de las tantas que forman el archipiélago de Bocas del Toro.

En el resto de la isla, bosques, ríos, arroyos y pantanos se alternan con los arrecifes coralinos de la costa y los exuberantes manglares.

Itacaré (Brasil)

Años atrás, la zona era tierra de fazendas dedicadas al cacao; después, cuando todo se acabó, el sitio se reconvirtió lentamente. Hoy, esas grandes áreas entre morros habitadas por palmerales se convirtieron en el destino de los buscadores de nuevos “paraísos”.

Las mejores playas: Itacarezinho, ideal para surfear. Prainha, encerrada entre dos morros y rodeada de un increíble cocoteral, es de las más lindas de todo el país; llegar cuesta, pero vale el esfuerzo. En Havaizinho uno se siente como en una isla desierta y en Jeribucaçu la marea baja forma una laguna enorme y transparente como un apéndice del mar.

Tulum (México)

Sobre un acantilado, la enigmática ciudad amurallada de los mayas, Tulum, custodia una extensa ribera sobre el mar Caribe. Playas de arena blanquísima y aguas increíblemente turquesas invitan a una larga estadía bajo el sol.

Ubicado justo frente al Arrecife Mesoamericano -la segunda barrera coralina más grande del mundo-, este destino es también un parque natural que seduce a los amantes del buceo y del snorkel.

No todo aquí es vida de playa; una buena alternativa es visitar los sitios arqueológicos de Cobá y Muyil, muy cerca, y sumar una escapada a Chichén-Itzá.

Seychelles (África oriental)

Paraíso de selvas y playas soñadas, este archipiélago es un destino exótico y exclusivo al norte de la isla de Madagascar, en el océano Índico. El sitio tiene además el sabor de la mixtura cultural que sobre los locales dejaron las sucesivas colonizaciones. Aquí es común escuchar hablar en creóle, francés o inglés.

Mahe, la capital, tiene 70 playas, pero la mayoría de los resorts se agrupa hacia el norte sobre la zona de Beau Vallon. Praslin, otra de las islas, es destino para los amantes del snorkeling; su corazón encierra un atractivo extra: Valle de Mayo, un jardín botánico natural y patrimonio de la Unesco.

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Apocalypse now? German drops Mayan magical skull owned by Himmler

Apocalypse now? German drops Mayan magical skull owned by Himmler… and it could mark the end of the world on 21-12-12

If the world ends on December 21, blame a German butterfingers who dropped a volcanic rock skull once owned by SS overlord Heinrich Himmler in his laboratory this week.

Chichen Itza, Riviera Maya

According to legend, the Mayan skull, which was stolen from Tibet by the Nazis and imbued for believers with magical powers to enable mankind to survive an apocalypse, fell and chipped during a photo shoot.

For some, this is a catastrophe that foretells the end of the world, but others advise us to keep calm and carry on.

‘It was probably put down somewhere a bit wobbly,’ an eyewitness told a German newspaper.

‘Suddenly it crashed to the floor. A big piece broke off the chin. It’s really tragic.’

Thomas Ritter, an historian who owns the skull, said it was given to him by the family of a former British soldier present at the 1945 arrest of Himmler, who ran the Gestapo, the SS and the extermination programme which murdered six million Jews.

He added that he believed its accident wouldn’t ‘anger the Gods’ and that the world will still be turning on December 22.

Maya Prophecy

Some interpretations of the ancient Mayan calendar point to December 21, 2012 as the end of the world.
Mexico’s tourism agency expects to draw 52 million visitors this year to the five states richest in Mayan heritage to see sights such as the Pyramid of Kukulcan in Chichen Itza .
Other theorists have found evidence of a 2012 apocalypse in the Bible or the prophesies of Nostradamus.
The hamlet of Bugarach, in the south of France, has attracted the attention of a government watchdog monitoring cults and suspicious spiritual activities.
Bugarach – and the rocky outcrop of Pic de Bugarach – have had an influx of New Age visitors who believe it is the only place in the world which will survive an apocalypse. 


The skull is 1,000 years old and one of the legendary Mayan skulls that belonged to the lost, ancient race of Mexico, which were said to be infused with magical powers.

The 3lb skull is made of volcanic rock and, according to Ritter, was seized by SS men sent on an expedition to Tibet between 1937 and 1939 to look for the lost city of Shangri-La.

Ritter said: ‘The Nazis were convinced that 13 such skulls existed and that whoever owned them would have control of the world.’

Himmler died on May 23, 1945 using a poison capsule hidden in his mouth to take his life.

The Mayans shaped 13 skulls, of which nine were coloured and represented the races of men and four were as clear as glass to represent ‘the beasts that walk, crawl, slide and fly’.

They were sent to their places of ‘birth’ until such time when all were needed to avert the catastrophe man would wreak on the planet.

The Mayans, gifted astronomers and mathematicians, calculated a date for this ‘end of days’ – the winter solstice, December 21, 2012.

Originally Published at  MailOnLine

More Mexicans find opportunities at home

More Mexicans find opportunities at home

TULUM, Mexico — Everardo Tejada had heard about the Mayan doomsday scenario, the one that supposedly predicts the world will end this year. With that in mind, he believed he didn’t have much to lose in trying something out of the ordinary. Instead of the end, he’s sure he’s found a beginning — in Mexico’s booming south. “As a kid, like everyone else, I dreamed of going north to the United States. Not anymore. I know it’s hard to believe, but this part of Mexico doesn’t feel like Mexico. It’s something else.”

Generations of men and women have chosen the north — the United States — as their escape valve, a place of reinvention and new jobs. But with U.S. jobs largely dried up because of the bad economy, especially in the construction sector, Mexicans are increasingly staying in their hometowns, finding jobs and carving out a livelihood, or, like Tejada, migrating inside Mexico in search of work.

A recent report by the Pew Hispanic Center buttresses earlier studies pointing to a decline in Mexican migration. It says the number of Mexicans living illegally in the United States fell from 7 million in 2007 to 6.1 million last year, the biggest drop in modern history.

One destination drawing Mexicans from other parts of the country is the Mayan Riviera, along the east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, an area booming with tourism jobs and far from the drug-related violence that has killed more than 50,000 people in recent years.

Mexico’s census bureau reported a 4.1 percent population increase to about 1.3 million in the Mayan Riviera last year, compared with 1.4 percent nationwide, making it the fastest-growing region in Mexico. Some communities, such as Tulum, report growth of more than 15 percent. Fueling the growth and internal migration are new investments and infrastructure projects.

The boom is partly due to a new campaign to lure American tourists back to Mexico with the slogan “The Mexico You Thought You Knew.” The government is wooing foreign tourists by making it easier to get visas and offering special packages. This month, Mexico will host 20 top tourism ministers from around the world in nearby Merida, a meeting aimed at enticing more visitors.

Texas’ recent warning that residents should avoid travel to Mexico convinced Mexican tourism officials that they must do more to lure international tourists, in part by taking their message directly to Americans and bypassing governments, which they say have used Mexico’s drug war to score political points.

The strategy seems to be working. The Mexican Ministry of Tourism says 2011 set records, with 22.67 million international visitors, an increase of 2 percent from the prior year.

The Mayan calendar is adding to the buzz as the curious set out here looking for the end of the world, which some interpret the calendar as predicting on Dec. 21, 2012. (The date’s significance is hotly debated among Maya experts.)

Tejada was born and raised in the city of Guadalajara and grew up believing his future lay in the north, just as it had for past generations of his family and friends. But on a vacation with his wife through Tulum, he changed his mind and decided the American dream was gone. Jobs were scarce, and crossing the border carried too much risk of violence.

Tejada took a job as a waiter at an Italian restaurant, learned a few Italian words and developed an Italian accent. He’s now the head waiter and has moved his entire family to the region. Sometimes at night, he finds it surreal when he turns on his television and watches the violence that has gripped other parts of his country, including Guadalajara.

“It’s sad, and sometimes I have to remind myself that this is still Mexico,” he said, “that we’re building opportunities in such violent times.”

Originally Published at  The Bulletin

By Alfredo Corchado / The Dallas Morning News

Published: May 06. 2012 4:00AM PST

Microsoft’s Eighth Annual Latin American Faculty Summit in Riviera Maya, Mexico

Microsoft’s Eighth Annual Latin American Faculty Summit in Riviera Maya, Mexico

Tulum Ruins Aerial

Tulum Ruins Aerial

Microsoft Research will host the eighth annual Latin American Faculty Summit in the Riviera Maya, Mexico, from May 23 to 25, 2012. The theme of the 2012 Summit is “Technologies in Action.” For the 2012 Latin American Faculty Summit, Microsoft Research unites academic and government researchers; educators; and Microsoft researchers, product group engineers, and architects to explore new opportunities in computer-science research and advances that address world-scale challenges in such diverse disciplines as healthcare and wellbeing, energy and environment, and educational and social progress. The program will consist of a variety of keynotes, talks, panels, workshops, and demonstrations.

Technologies in Action

The need to solve real-world problems, whether social or scientific, has provided the impetus for technological advancements over the years; computing research and technology provide novel approaches to meet these challenges. For years, multidisciplinary researchers have been employing computational innovations to advance investigations in the sciences. New developments in the world of computation have changed the landscape and offer new capabilities to scientists who are interested in increasing their ability to process and understand vast amounts of data. Increasingly, information is stored in the cloud rather than locally, scientists are looking at new ways to interact with data, and computational advantages are being applied to an ever wider range of disciplines.


The National Council on Science and Technology (CONACYT) is responsible for the design and execution of science and technology policies in Mexico. CONACYT’s aims are to consolidate a National Innovation System that responds to the priority demands of Mexico, provide solution to specific problems and needs, and help raise the standard of living and social wellbeing through five core objectives:

  1. Establish short-, medium-, and long-term state policies to strengthen the links between education, basic and applied sciences, and technology and innovation.
  2. Promote the decentralization of scientific, technological, and innovation activities in order to help advance regional development.
  3. Finance basic and applied sciences, technology, and innovation.
  4. Invest in scientific, technological, and innovation infrastructure.
  5. Provide accountability to public investments in the development of science and technology, high-quality human resources training, research and development, and innovation.

By fulfilling these objectives, CONACYT—along with other Federal Government agencies and entities, as well as with the production sector—will help increase Mexico’s contribution to the generation, acquisition, and dissemination of knowledge, and to advance the sciences and technology in Mexico.

As part of its international collaboration agenda, CONACYT is pleased to partner with Microsoft to present the 2012 Microsoft Research Latin American Faculty Summit.

Miss América Latina del Mundo 2012, en Riviera Maya, México

Miss América Latina del Mundo 2012, en Riviera Maya, México


Miss América Latina del Mundo se celebrará del 27 de mayo al 10 de junio en Riviera Maya, México, en las instalaciones del famoso hotel que cerrará con broche de oro el sábado 9 de junio en el Teatro Monte Albán.

Ella es Estefani Chalco Salgado, ganadora de la corona en 2011.Foto: Sitio Oficial.

Ella es Estefani Chalco Salgado, ganadora de la corona en 2011.Foto: Sitio Oficial.

De acuerdo a informes, es la tercera vez que este certamen se realiza en una cadena de hoteles mexicana de Barceló.

En la ceremonia Estefani Chalco ganadora de la edición 2011 de Miss América Latina del Mundo, entregará su corona a su sucesora.

Así mismo se dice que la nueva reina de belleza será elegida entre más de 30 candidatas de países latinoamericanos, así como representantes de la cultura latina en España, Canadá y hasta en Corea.

El evento también contará con grandes estrellas como Alex Thomas, Jaime Viñas y Carlos Vizcarra, quienes

Simultáneamente se estará celebrando el certamen Miss Latina US, que también se conoce con el nombre de Miss Estados Unidos Latina, es el primer concurso que en Estados Unidos, elige a las latinas más guapas, la decisión de la ganadora de este certamen será el sábado 2 de junio, y la corona la entregará Marice Morales del estado de Utah.



Tras la declaratoria de ‘licitación desierta’ para al construcción y administración del Aeropuerto de la Riviera Maya, decidida por la SCT, Javier Gil Ortiz, legislador encargado de la Comisión de Transporte en la Cámara de Diputados, consideró que el cambio de gobierno federal venidero podría traer consigo la agilización para aprobar la construcción de dicha terminal aérea, la cual serviría “a todo el país”, ya que consideró “si le va bien a la Riviera Maya, le va bien a México”.

riviera maya international airport

Entre las propuestas para mejorar la conectividad aérea de la Riviera Maya con México y el mundo, se encuentra la posibilidad de cambiar de ubicación el aeródromo de Playa del Carmen y que esta terminal aérea sirva para recibir y despedir a turistas, tal como sucedió con el aeropuerto de Cozumel, según indicó Javier Gil.

En otro orden de ideas, el congresista mencionó que aún no se puede definir la fecha en la cual Mexicana de Aviación volverá a volar, ya que las decisiones se mantienen en manos de jueces y aún no se resuelve la liquidación de las deudas de esta empresa. Gil Ortiz recomendó a la próxima administración de la SCT vigilar con mayor atención las finanzas de Mexicana de Aviación.

“Yo plantearía que la SCT y la subsecretaria de transporte, tome mayor responsabilidad respecto a quien va operar Mexicana, estar observando a través de informes semestrales y dar seguimiento para prever, y evitar estos problemas que tanto le han costado al país, en impuestos, en falta de conectividad, en tarifas altas para los usuarios, porque en lo que se cubrieron las rutas hubo muchas lesiones para los ciudadanos”.

Por, César López

Publicado originalmente en: Noticias Playa del Carmen

Mundo Maya Countries Expect 50 Million Tourists in Next 10 Years, including Riviera Maya, cancun & Tulum in The Mexican Caribbean

Mundo Maya Countries Expect 50 Million Tourists in Next 10 Years, Including Riviera Maya, Cancún, Playa del Carmen and Tulum in Caribbean Mexican State of Quintana Roo.

CANCUN, Mexico – The five countries that make up the Mundo Maya region expect to welcome 50 million tourists over the next 10 years, thanks to big marketing campaigns this year and expanded cooperation, Salvadoran Tourism Minister Jose Napoleon Duarte said.

The Mundo Maya project, which was started with slightly more than $200,000 in seed money, will draw at least $2.5 million in investment over the next three years, Duarte, who serves as president of the Mundo Maya organization, said.

Riviera Maya

Riviera Maya

“Tourism leads to important things and this alliance among the five countries that make up the Mundo Maya is yielding results. The good practices are reflected in the results for each of our countries,” Duarte said.

Joint marketing efforts started last year, focusing on tourism fairs in London, Spain and Germany, the Salvadoran tourism minister said.

The marketing campaigns have increased the flow of tourists from Europe, the United States, Canada and other parts of Latin America, Duarte said.

“It is a renewed effort that has been hard. The Mundo Maya organization had already been created, but it was a little sleepy, and now we have managed to establish strategic alliances,” Duarte said.

Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Belize expect to welcome 5 million tourists this year, while Mexico is forecasting around 10 million visitors just to the Mundo Maya region, Duarte said.

The Mundo Maya organization has certified 20 tourist destinations, of which 10 are in Mexico, and the rest in the other member countries.

Among the Mayan archaeological zones certified by the organization are Palenque, Tulum, Comalcalco, Chichen Itza, Uxmal and Coba in Mexico; Xunantunich in Belize; Joya de Ceren in El Salvador; Tikal in Guatemala; and Copan in Honduras.

Tourists are flocking to the region this year because the Mayan calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012, an event that some people consider an apocalyptic omen.

The Mayans lived in what are now Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador between 800 B.C. and A.D. 900.

Mexican Wireless Leader Makes Concessions to Avoid Big Fine

MEXICO CITY – Mexico’s anti-trust regulator announced it has dropped a 12-billion-peso ($929-million) fine against Telcel, the country’s dominant wireless operator, as part of a settlement in which the carrier agreed to charge lower interconnection fees and make other concessions.

“It’s clearly preferable to ensure immediate and direct savings for consumers of up to $6 billion annually than to undergo years of litigation,” the Federal Competition Commission, or CFC, said in a statement Thursday.

The decision was handed down after Telcel, the local unit of Mexico City-based regional wireless giant America Movil, appealed the fine imposed in April 2011 for alleged monopolistic practices in Mexico dating back to 2006.

As part of the appeal, Telcel agreed for the first time to charge lower fees for calls placed into its network by users of other cellular providers and also promised to “provide information to verify compliance with its commitments,” the CFC said.

They include a sharp drop in interconnection fees from 0.95 pesos ($0.07) per minute, the rate through 2011, to 0.36 pesos ($0.03) per minute in 2012.

Telcel also agreed to bring those fees down to 0.30 pesos ($0.02) per minute in 2014 and to “work with telecommunications authorities and the CFC to make additional reductions,” the regulator said.

The fees “will be charged per second, with no rounding up,” providing additional cost savings for consumers, it added.

In another move to level the playing field between the dominant operator and its competitors, Telcel also will “offer subscriber plans and/or promotions that include minutes usable indistinctly for calls within its own network or to the network of any other fixed or mobile telephone company.”

Under the terms of the settlement, Telcel pledged to drop all legal action against the decisions of the Cofetel telecoms regulator with respect to interconnection fees.

The CFC also said that in the event of non-compliance with its commitments Telcel would be slapped with a fine equivalent to up to 8 percent of its annual revenues.

The settlement is an effective and sustained way to resolve “one of the main competitiveness problems that has afflicted Mexico’s telecommunications market for many years: high mobile interconnection fees,” the regulator added.

It said that situation has inhibited smaller operators from competing and forced consumers to pay artificially high prices for telecommunications services in Mexico.

Telcel holds a roughly 70 percent market share in Mexico, while America Movil – controlled by Mexican multi-billionaire Carlos Slim – has more than 275 million subscribers in 18 countries across the Americas. EFE

Source: Latin American Herald Tribune – Mexican Wireless Leader Makes Concessions to Avoid Big Fine.



TULUM, 30 de abril.-En días recientes se dio a conocer la lista de nominados para los World Travel Awards edición 2012. En estos premios, conocidos como “los Oscar del Turismo” Tulum compite con destinos como Bocas Del Toro en Panama, Jaco Beach, en Costa Rica, Placencia Belize en Belize, Playa Santo Domingo en Nicaragua, Roatan-Bay Islands en Honduras, West Bay Beach Roatan en Honduras y en México con las playas de Cancun.


No es la primera vez que Tulum y sus playas son reconocidos a nivel internacional. Anteriormente las playas de Tulum resultaron ganadoras ante esta nominación, resultando de nueva cuenta nominadas en el 2010 y 2011.

Adicionalmente a los World Travel Awards, otras instancias han reconocido a Tulum, como la red Trip Advisor, quien este año nombró a las playas de Tulum como las mejores de México y el tercer lugar en las mejores playas del mundo por medio del premio “Travellers’ Choice”, un reconocimiento que procede directamente de los usuarios de esta red.

Asímismo, los World Travel Awards se otorgan de acuerdo con la votación de los usuarios. El voto puede realizarse a través de la página web http://www.worldtravelawards.com, donde será necesario hacer un registro para poder votar.